Saturday, May 31, 2008

Find a bias news story. Explain how and why it is biased, link blog to the article.
From the two different versions of the same news story, many contradictions and bias are present and explained. In the American version, it is specifically written to make it sound as though the Iraqis are trying to hurt us and our American ideals (because of the current war) whereas the European version makes the whole situation sound like a misunderstanding or miscommunication. As stated in the American version, Iraqi jets were purposely launched to intercept the American ones, when in fact this was untrue and put forth by the author to again claim that the Iraqis are against us, the European version clears this lie. Sources between the two articles are similar and even from the same closely related parties, but the information that they give is almost polar opposite. Hinted at by the American author, the article states that the UN is allied more with the bad people within Iraq who want to destroy America, talking about complying with Iraqis at the slightest drop of a hat. The American article goes on to talk about the just cause of why the jets were launched in the first place, searching for bad chemicals that could harm Americans and break the UN agreement that was put into place. In the European article version, the author defends the Iraqi actions, specifically bringing up the legality of their operations in compliance with the UN agreement. Basically, the bias blasts through in the American article because of the ties of the country in the War on Terrorism, tooting a horn of loyalty to the American people and American ideals. Since the European author is detached from the American involvement in the war, he is allowed to take a more truthful and factual approach to the incident, without tributes being paid to a specific nation. News is being twisted into propaganda to make the Americans support the happenings in the War on Terrorism. In Europe, news is news is news, nothing is really censored out because of nationalism or metal chains to the ideas of a specific nation.

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